Wednesday, June 27, 2012

But... I Want my Wednesday Walk....

A little lost? Read our last chapter: First Vet Visit!

"Mom, we are going for our walk... right?"
Back from our walk,
I had to change back into PJs
Well, this morning it was raining again and I really was tempted to not do the big walk. It was rainy, I was tired, and I thought "well, maybe today we'll just go out, do business and come back." So we walked out and she peed and I began to walk back to the apartment. Leia followed by looked at me like "wait... you mean we're not going?" Oh man is she a heart breaker. 

So we walked back to the apartment and I picked up my Jacket. The walk was on. Luckily the rain subsided about 4 minutes into our walk. She was very good about walking near me (except when we passed the big dead fish someone just left in the grass. I mean it was big {like fish market dinner for 4 size}and they just left it!). Leia thought "hey now, I could really go for some 2 day old fish!" but with two little corrections she agreed that kibble at home might be a better choice.

As we were walking home I saw a lady in her car at a stop light watching us walk. She was smiling (probably because Leia is adorable!) and so I gave a little wave. Who knows, maybe by walking, even in the rain, someone else will walk their dog today, or brave the rain to give their pet what they need.

"Steps don't scare me!"
I love this picture of her!
I also did a confidence booster with Leia today and had her walk the flights of stairs in our apartment building. At first she was hesitant but as we went up and down she seemed to realize "hey these aren't so scary" and got the hang of it. We also took a few more pictures today and she was very good during our little armature photo shoot (just keep the love and petting coming!).

I love my stunning girl!
Around 5 we went out to the tennis court again and practice recall and ran Leia around.  Leia seems to like our "come to me" game and if I get too far away she runs to me. At one point I knelt down, opened my arms and said "Come here Leia" and she ran, absolutely barreled toward me and stopped just short of pummeling me over and buried her head in my chest. She is such a sweetie! We also practiced a little sitting and laying down in a more distracting environment. It took her a while to sit the first time and a good bit of coaxing to lay down (especially since the tennis court floor is a weird texture for her) but she did both.  Good girl!

Photo-shoot Pics!

Read our next chapter together! - Facing her Fears

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