Sunday, July 8, 2012

Locked Out!

A little lost? Read our last chapter: Sunny Saturdays

Adventure time! All in all our day was mostly uneventful. I went out to lunch with my cousin and Leia did really well on her own. I got home and we chilled for a while. This was when I decided, "ya know maybe I'll just sweep the porch before our walk" So I grabbed my broom, stepped out on the porch, and slid the door shut, leaving Leia inside.

 I swept the porch and then turned to check on Leia. She was sitting happily at the door. Then I noticed the security bar... down. I was locked out... all the doors were locked, my cell was in the house and the porch is screened in... My stomach flipped.

My Mom locked herself out
I was a good girl!
 I could break the screen but I'd still be locked out. Instead I called for someone to help me. One woman on the sidewalk (next to the main road) heard me and turned. I told her I was locked out and needed help. She shook her head "no." I pleaded with her that I needed someone to help me. She shook her head again. The third time I pleaded in spanish "Necesito ayuda, porfavor!" (Translation: "I need help, please!") and she just shook her head and walked away.

 Next a woman on a bike came down the hill on the same sidewalk. Again I called out and asked for help. Thank god this woman stopped. I explained (while almost shouting to be heard over traffic) that my security bar fell and locked me out and I really really needed someone to help me. She came in and saw for her self. She asked what she could do and I explained where the front office was. She checked but they were closed. Next she went looked for a golf cart or someone who looked like they could help.

While she was out a couple came by walking their dog and I asked if they could call the main line and leave a message on the emergency maintenance line. She did but when she left the message she only gave the apartment number (which by the way there are 12 different apartments with that number in the complex.) About this time the girl on the bike returned with a cop. Nice. She found him as he was coming home and he called the maintenance guys and convinced them that this was in fact, and emergency and they should send someone out. 15 minutes later the maintenance guy, an nice young man with dreads, came to the screen. He said he'd come in the apartment and open the bar. I explained that Leia was in the house (which he could see as she lay at the glass door) and that she might bark or possibly growl but I didn't expect her to be a problem, she'd be afraid of him and probably run away. He said it was cool and then went to the front door.

 I knew the moment he'd opened the door without seeing it happen. Leia jerked her head back and here eyes went wide as if to say "What the @#$%? How did he get in here!?" She barked and jumped back but held her ground after that. He sweet talked her and held out his hand. She cautiously sniffed and then stepped back so he could come open the door. I came in and she ran right to me. I caught her collar and thanked him profusely. He even came back after one more call to fix the door so the bar wont fall again. I thanked him again and then Leia and I went for a walk to help calm her (and me!) down.

Read our next chapter together!Furry Fury 

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