Monday, July 2, 2012

Life Unleashed

A little lost? Read our last chapter: All Choked up  

Leia and I discovered the lawn men hit the wall...
Damage to the wall... oops!
Well our walk this morning was eventful to say the least. We decide to walk around the complex where there was more shade so she wouldn't be quite so hot.  We discovered the lawn guys were out and about and apparently, can't dodge a wall...

We were almost half way around the outer path when I saw a lady walking two Boston terriers off leash (...awesome). Unsure of how Leia would react I decided we'd just dodge along the inner path. I mean they seemed nice enough but hey, I didn't want a complicated walk. Well... nothing is ever that easy. 

We also saw ducks!
Half way down the back stretch we went back to the outer path and sure enough, they were probably 10 meters behind us. Leia didn't seem too phased but the female Boston (Bella?) began running up. I snapped and pointed and she froze but only for a moment. 

Her owner was calling, and pleading, but Bella would not be stopped. Her male partner (her mate?) let  his owner get his collar but Bella wasn't having it. I told her owner (calmly) that Leia was normally ok with other dogs but sometimes she got growly. 

The girl was apologizing for not having control of her dogs (but somehow I don't think she realized the danger of this. If Bella had run up to a truly aggressive dog of Leia's size that could have been the end of her.). 

Chilling by the lake
hehe fountain out of her head.
She came right up and she and Leia sniffed each other (uneventfully) and the male came up too. Bella took to it well until I helped the girl get a hold of Bella's collar. As soon as I touched it Leia growled a little. I corrected her and she stopped (whew!) and the I handed control of Bella back over to the girl. The initial introductions did go well and Leia didn't get up set about the dogs sniffing her (she wasn't super confident but she wasn't terrified either).

At home we cleaned her ears and she was NOT thrilled. In fact, and one point she shook her head and slingshotted the cotton ball across the room. She did try to run away but the leash brought her back. No yelping, no screaming, just her hopes for it to be over and done with as soon as possible.
"Um, mom, the lawn men are coming..."

A Beautiful Sunset
Our Fountain
9:15 PM - Oh my lord what is this, National Off-leash day? We had barely gotten 10 ft from our front door this time when I heard a guy around my age yell "Bruiser! Get back here!" I froze, I knew a dog was coming... but what was it that was coming? "Bruiser" sounded like it should be a huge mastiff or maybe a boxer but as I turned around I saw, charging forward down the sidewalk a good 20 ft ahead of his owner, a black and tan Miniature Dachshund. 

I did the typical "point and 'shh' to pause" but this had  no affect on the determined doxie named Bruiser. He ran right up and circled Leia sniffing. Leia just stood and stared at him and his terrier friend (who was able to sniff as his owner got a hold on Bruiser). When he picked up little Bruiser he began barking and "screaming" (not actually shrieking but a loud long vocalization sort of like a howl). Leia was utterly confused but no growling this time. 


Being a Good Girl
Happy Face in the middle of "cuddle and pet" time
Of course the guy apologized profusely and I said, again, that it was ok, they get distracted. I also mentioned that back home we had a doxie who also screamed about other dogs (even though I think Bruiser's scream was more about being restrained from greeting). Who would think that TWICE in one day we'd have to face "rogue dogs." 

In other news, there was a beautiful sunset tonight. Also Leia heard her first fireworks (even though they were rather far away). She looked up but didn't freak out, just paused, listened, and moved on. Hoping this bodes well for the 4th but we will see, she may very well decide  that far away they are ok but not in her neighborhood. Either way, glad I'll be able to be with her for it. All in all today was full of doggy meet-&-greet and pictures, lots and lots of pictures. A good day.

Rolling around on the floor together

 Read our next chapter together! Worms, I Hate worms.

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