Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Furry Fury

A little lost? Read our last chapter:  Locked Out! 

Well we had a rough start this morning. I opened Leia's crate and I think one of her legs was asleep because she went to get up and come out and instead collapsed into her water dish. I was stunned and worried but she got back to her her feet, now dripping in water, and carefully walked out. I grabbed a towel and dried her off but poor thing she was all upset about spilling her water.

So much so that when I walked through the kitchen to put the wet towel in the washer, I looked behind me to see Leia following. She knows she is not allowed in the kitchen but I think she just forgot and wanted to be close to me. I corrected her and sent her back out but I knew she was shaken.

The fur from one quick vacuum of the house. Ick!
Today we also vacuumed again today and good grief I never noticed how much she sheds (glad we got a furminator!). To add to it she is still not a fan of the vacuum. She is also not a fan of me going on the porch alone. I decide to secure the bar and vacuum up the dust. Leia had to make a choice, be near the vacuum or let me go alone. I decided to use myself as a cookie and it worked, she stayed near the open door, and the running vacuum in order to be near me. She seems more or less fine with it when it is off, but when it's on she wants nothing to do with it.

I forgot to mention that I trimmed some of her nails the other day. She wasn't a big fan of it but she held her ground and let me trim about 8 of her nails. the middle two nails are a good length and her back nails are mostly good so it's really just her dew claws and the outter two nails on the front paws.One of the benefits of walking your dog, it wears their nails down gently.

Tonight Leia stole trash for the first time.  She walked out of the bathroom with trash in her mouth and I immediately scolded her. It is always paper, or paper towels, or toilet paper. She knew she was in trouble from the moment I looked at her.

All in all it was a decent day. We had a nice night walk to try to calm down after I (her mama) had a rough evening. She is so good. It's like she knows when it's been a rough day.

 Read our next chapter together!V.E.T. and Lennox

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