Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quick Update before bed

Well, today Leia was a bit subdued in the morning. We went on our walk and she kept up. We met a lady who saw Leia sitting, wagging, and smiling and laughing said "Oh she looks vicious." I replied "She'll kill ya with kisses." We came back to the apartment and she napped most of the morning and part of the afternoon with breaks between naps to follow Tom and I around the apartment and check to see if we were doing anything interesting.

Tom and I went out and picked up some dinner (Boardwalk Fries: We were impressed with their customer service and how personable they were) and when we returned Leia was supercharged. She was bouncy and excitable to the extent that when Tom was in the bedroom with Leia tailing him, and I called her back she came charging out of the bedroom, ran the length of the apartment, then ran back and flopped on her bed.

I took her out to the tennis court, hesitantly, and just let her trot around (no toys or sticks, just freedom to wander around). She promptly burned rubber from one end to the other, full speed, back knees to chin. I think she was tired of being on bed rest for her hip and luckily she was able to run without hurting herself.

Since that she has been out cold beside me or on her doggy bed. Around 10 she tucked herself in to her crate but around 12 she came back out because Mom and Dad were being too loud laughing at the TV and well, something worth while must be going on. All in all, it's been a good day. We even got a few of her nails trimmed! Well, goodnight social world!

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