Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Another Morning with the V.E.T.

Well we are back from our ...3rd? 4th? Not even sure which number but another Vet visit. First we had her ears checked, the left is still infected so we're gonna resume with treatment. We picked up more meds and cleaner and round 3 begins.

I had the vet check the spot in her mouth and was informed it is just a gland. Check the spot in her ear which is "red and angry" but definitely not a tumor. For now we just put some of her ear drops (a steroid drop) on it to help fix it.

They checked her hip and it probably did dislocate but went back in. They did an extension test and confirmed that her left is a bit sore at full extension. We'll take it easy for the next few days and just do walks, no big running for a few days.

She's now resting at home and conked out for 2 hours in her crate. Tom woke up, and she switched from her crate to her bed. She's such a sweetie but is just a bit subdued today (common after this vaccine.)

Before the vet this morning we discovered that Leia's favorite color is yellow-green as that was the pencil she stole and chewed under the coffee table...I corrected her and she pouted but hey, she takes after her Dad, his favorite color is green.

Tonight when we came home from a quick run out to the store I could hear Leia howling from the hallway... awesome. It could have been triggered by the neighbor's dog screaming, or the thunderstorm, or she could have just been pissed off but either way, I busted in the door and scolded her, then we walked out and went to check the mail. When we returned she was silent.

Practice, practice, practice... and thank God for merciful neighbors who haven't complained about her occasional in-crate tantrums, which I am pretty sure they can hear because I can hear it from the parking lot!!! Jebus Leia.... I love her so much but that has to stop for the sanity of all involved.

I did her first ear cleaning/drops this evening. She remembered all too well what that meant and was not a fan of it. She tried to run and hide behind Daddy, who brought her right back over. I offered treats and brushed her after (which she enjoys) but she was miffed.

Additionally we started playing a little bit of a training game with here to help learn who is who. Tom will say "Go to Mommy" and if she comes to me she gets love and praise. Then after some affection I say "Go to Daddy!" and she hurries over to Tom for more affection. She's learning our names (and her's too!) as we go through training together. She can be stubborn as a mule but her happy smile when she realizes she is going for a walk, or how willing she is to get in her crate, or the quiet thump of her tail when I get up in the morning makes it all worth it.

She's resting quietly now in her crate (She put herself to bed again). I might have to take a page from her book and get to bed soon. I am personally trying to stay healthy as the rescue world has gone up in flames for a bit. "Keep Calm and Rescue on" right?

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